90 research outputs found

    Detecção de fadiga neuromuscular em pessoas com lesão medular completa utilizando transformada wavelet

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    Introduction: People with spinal cord injury (SCI) may have the paralyzed muscles activated through functional electrical stimulation (FES) on neural pathways present below the skin. These electrical stimulations are important to restore the neuromuscular trophism or during the movement control using neural prostheses. However, prolonged FES application causes fatigue, which decreases the contraction strength, mainly due the neuromuscular hypotrophy in this population. The acquisition of myofibers’ vibration is recognized by mechanomyography (MMG) system and does not suffer electrical interference from the FES system. Objective: To characterize the rectus femoris muscle vibration during electrically evoked neuromuscular fatigue protocol in complete spinal cord injury subjects. Methods: As sample, 24 limbs (right and left) from 15 male participants (age: 27±5 y.o.) and ranked as A and B according to American Spinal Injury Impairment Scale) were selected. An electrical stimulator operating as voltage source, specially developed for research, was configured as: pulse frequency set to 1 kHz (20% duty cycle) and burst (modulating) frequency set to 70 Hz (20% active period). The triaxial [X (transverse), Y (longitudinal) and Z (perpendicular)] MMG signal of rectus femoris muscle was processed with a third-order 5-50 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter. A load cell was used to register the force. The stimulator output voltage was increased (~3 V/s to avoid motoneuron adaptation/habituation) until the maximal electrically-evoked extension (MEEE) of the knee joint. After the load cell placement, the stimuli magnitude required to reach MEEE was applied and registered by the load cell as muscular F100% response. Stimuli intensity was increased during the control to keep the force in F100%. Four instants (I - IV) were selected from F100% up to the inability to keep the FES response force above 30% (F30%). The signal was processed in temporal (energy), spectral (median frequency) and wavelet (temporal-spectral with twelve band frequencies between 5 and 53 Hz) domains. All data were normalized by initial instant, creating arbitrary units (a.u.), and non-parametric tests were applied. Results: The median frequency did not show statistical significance. Regarding the MMG axes, the transverse axis showed most statistical differences. The MMG energy (temporal domain) indicates the decrease between the instants I (unfatigued) and II (pre-fatigue), as well as instants I and IV (fatigued). The wavelet domain focused on the transverse axis, especially on 13, 16, 20, 25 and 35 Hz frequency bands, for having shown significant reduction proven during neuromuscular fatigue. In focus on 25 Hz band frequency that showed a constant decrease between instants I (median value from data de 0.53 a.u.) with subsequent instants [II (0.30 a.u.), III (0.28 a.u.) and IV (0.24 a.u.). Conclusion: Neuromuscular fatigue is characterized by energy decrease in MMG X-axis (transverse) signal of vibration on the rectus femoris muscle for complete spinal cord injured subjects, in the temporal domain but mainly in the wavelet domain. The 25 Hz is the most important band frequency because its energy decreases with neuromuscular fatigue. These findings open the possibility of application in closed-loop systems during physical rehabilitation procedures using FES or in the control of neural prostheses.CNPqIntrodução: As pessoas com lesão medular (LM) podem ter seus músculos paralisados ativados por meio da estimulação elétrica funcional (FES) sobre vias neurais presentes próximas à pele. Estas estimulações elétricas são importantes para a recuperação do trofismo neuromuscular ou durante o controle de movimento por próteses neurais. No entanto, ao longo da aplicação da FES, a fadiga ocorre, diminuindo a eficiência da contração, principalmente devido à hipotrofia neuromuscular presente nessa população. A aquisição da vibração das fibras musculares como indicador de fadiga é registrada por meio da técnica de mecanomiografia (MMG), que não sofre interferências elétricas decorrentes da aplicação da FES. Objetivo: Caracterizar a vibração do músculo reto femoral durante protocolo de fadiga neuromuscular eletricamente evocada em pessoas com lesão medular completa. Método: 24 membros (direito e esquerdo) de 15 participantes (idade: 27±5 anos) do sexo masculino (A e B na American Spinal Injury Impairment Scale) foram selecionados. Um estimulador elétrico operando como fonte de tensão, desenvolvido especialmente para pesquisa, foi configurado com: freqüência de pulso em 1 kHz (20% de ciclo de trabalho) e trem de pulsos (modulação) em 70 Hz (20% período ativo). O sinal triaxial [X (transversal), Y (longitudinal) e Z (perpendicular)] da MMG foi processado com filtro Butterworth de terceira ordem e banda passante entre 5 e 50 Hz. Previamente ao protocolo, a tensão de saída do estimulador foi incrementada (~3 V/s evitando-se a adaptação/habituação dos motoneurônios) até alcançar a extensão máxima eletricamente estimulada (EMEE) da articulação do joelho. Uma célula de carga foi usada para registrar a resposta de força, onde após a sua colocação, a intensidade da FES necessária para alcançar a EMEE foi aplicada e registrada pela célula de carga como 100% da força (F100%). Durante o protocolo de fadiga neuromuscular, a intensidade do estímulo foi incrementada durante o controle para manter a força em F100%. Quatro instantes (I - IV) foram selecionados entre F100% e a incapacidade da FES manter a resposta de força acima de 30% (F30%). O sinal foi processado nos domínios temporal (energia), espectral (frequência mediana) e wavelet (temporal-espectral com doze bandas de frequência entre 5 e 53 Hz). Os dados extraídos foram normalizados pelo instante inicial (I) gerando unidades arbitrárias (u.a.), e testados com estatística não paramétrica. Resultados: A frequência mediana não apresentou significância estatística. Em relação aos eixos de deslocamento da MMG, o eixo transversal mostrou o maior número de resultados estatisticamente significantivos. A energia da vibração das fibras musculares (domínio temporal) indicou diminuição entre os instantes I (músculo fresco) e II (pré-fadiga), como também entre os instantes I e IV (fadigado) com redução significativa. O domínio wavelet teve como foco o eixo transversal, especialmente as bandas de frequência de 13, 16, 20, 25 e 35 Hz, por terem indicado redução significativa durante a fadiga neuromuscular; principalmente, a banda de 25 Hz, que indicou redução significativa entre o instante I (valor da mediana dos dados de 0,53 u.a.) e os demais instantes [II (0,30 u.a), III (0,28 u.a.) e IV (0,24 u.a.)]. Conclusão: A fadiga neuromuscular é caracterizada pela redução da energia do sinal no eixo de deslocamento transversal (X) da vibração do músculo reto femoral, em pessoas com lesão medular completa, tanto no domínio temporal quanto principalmente no domínio wavelet, sendo a banda de frequência de 25 Hz a mais relevante, porque sua energia diminui com a ocorrência da fadiga neuromuscular. Estes achados abrem a possibilidade de aplicação em sistemas de malha fechada durante procedimentos de reabilitação física utilizando FES ou no controle de próteses neurais

    Correlation Between Spectral And Temporal Mechanomyography Features During Functional Electrical Stimulation

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    Signal analysis involves time and/or frequency domains, and correlations are described in the literature for voluntary contractions. However, there are few studies about those correlations using mechanomyography (MMG) response during functional electrical stimulation (FES) elicited contractions in spinal cord injured subjects. This study aimed to determine the correlation between spectral and temporal MMG features during FES application to healthy (HV) and spinal cord injured volunteers (SCIV). Methods: Twenty volunteers participated in the research divided in two groups: HV (N=10) and SCIV (N=10). The protocol consisted of four FES profiles transcutaneously applied to quadriceps femoris muscle via femoral nerve. Each application produced a sustained knee extension greater than 65º up to 2 min without adjusting FES intensity. The investigation involved the correlation between MMG signal root mean square (RMS) and mean frequency (MF). Results: HV and SCIV indicated that MMGRMS and MMGMF variations were inversely related with -0.12 ≥ r ≥ -0.82. The dispersion between MMGMF and MMGRMS reached 0.50 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.64. Conclusion The increase in MMGRMS and the decrease in MMGMF may be explained by the motor units coherence during fatigue state or by motor neuron adaptation (habituation) along FES application (without modification on parameters).321859

    Lung analysis in children mechanically ventilated with atelectasis after cardiac surgery

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    El objetivo de este estudio es asociar la área sana del pulmón (evaluado mediante radiografía) a los datos de mecánica respiratoria en niños en el postoperatorio de cirugía cardiaca, con atelectasia en ventilación mecánica en el modo asistido controlado. En el total, fueron seleccionados 46 niños, de los cuales 16 fueron excluidos debido a las ondas respiratorias irregulares o a la falta de datos de la gasometria arterial. Se analizó un grupo de 30 niños en el modo asistido controlado, de los cuales 10 han desarrollado atelectasia. Los datos fueron analizados antes y después del inicio de la atelectasia, y la mecánica respiratoria se correlacionó a las medidas del área del pulmón. En los 30 niños inicialmente sin complicación pulmonar fueron analizados los datos de la gasometria arterial para comprobar posibles cambios debido a los ciclos asistidos. La atelectasia puede modificar algunos parámetros de la mecánica respiratoria. En la asociación del área saludable del pulmón con la mecánica respiratoria, los resultados de correlación de Spearman demostraron significancia estadística entre el área del pulmón con la resistencia de las vías aéreas (ρ=-0,648 y p=0,043). Los resultados mostraron que es posible el análisis de las ondas de mecánica respiratoria a través de la selección de los ciclos controlados, puesto que no hubo alteración significativa en el potencial de hidrógeno iónico. El análisis de la mecánica respiratoria permite comprobar la función pulmonar y las posibles lesiones pulmonares. Es posible utilizar el análisis de la mecánica respiratoria diariamente en estos niños, permitiendo obtener informaciones importantes de la función pulmonar. El estudio también mostró que en el modo de ventilación controlada es posible evaluar la mecánica respiratoria.The main objective of this study is to associate the healthy area of the lung (evaluated by radiography) with the data of respiratory mechanics in children with atelectasis after cardiac surgery, under mechanical ventilation in the assisted controlled mode. Altogether, 46 children were selected, but 16 were excluded due to irregular respiratory waves or lack of the data on arterial blood gases. A group of 30 children under assisted controlled mode were analyzed, and 10 from this group developed atelectasis. The data were analyzed before and after the onset of atelectasis, and respiratory mechanics was correlated to radiography. We also analyzed the data related to arterial blood gas of these children - who initially had no pulmonary complication - to verify possible changes due to assisted controlled cycles. Atelectasis may modify some parameters of respiratory mechanics. In the association of the healthy area of the lung with the respiratory mechanics, the Spearman correlation results showed statistical significance of the lung area with airway resistance (ρ=−0.648 and p=0.043). Our results show that it is possible to analyze respiratory mechanics waves by selecting controlled cycles in the assisted controlled mode, since we found insignificant changes in potential ionic hydrogen. The analysis of respiratory mechanics allows checking lung function and undesired lung injuries; the analysis of respiratory mechanics can be daily performed in these children to have important information on the pulmonary function. Our research also showed that under the assisted controlled mode is also possible to evaluate respiratory mechanics.O objetivo deste estudo é associar a área saudável do pulmão (avaliada pela radiografia) aos dados de mecânica respiratória em crianças no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, com atelectasia em ventilação mecânica no modo assistido controlado. No total, foram selecionadas 46 crianças, das quais 16 foram excluídas devido às ondas respiratórias irregulares ou à falta de dados da gasometria arterial. Foi analisado um grupo de 30 crianças em modo assistido controlado, sendo que 10 crianças desenvolveram atelectasia. Os dados foram analisados antes e após o início da atelectasia, e a mecânica respiratória foi correlacionada às medidas da área do pulmão. Nas 30 crianças, inicialmente sem complicação pulmonar, foram analisados os dados da gasometria arterial para verificar possíveis mudanças devido aos ciclos assistidos. A atelectasia pode modificar alguns parâmetros da mecânica respiratória. Na associação da área saudável do pulmão com a mecânica respiratória, os resultados da correlação de Spearman mostraram significância estatística entre a área do pulmão com a resistência das vias aéreas (ρ=-0,648 e p=0,043). Os resultados demonstraram que é possível a análise das ondas de mecânica respiratória através da seleção dos ciclos controlados, uma vez que não houve alteração significativa no potencial de hidrogênio iônico. A análise da mecânica respiratória permite verificar a função pulmonar e as possíveis lesões pulmonares. A análise da mecânica respiratória pode ser usada diariamente nessas crianças, permitindo obter informações importantes da função pulmonar. O estudo também mostrou que no modo ventilatório assistido controlado também é possível avaliar a mecânica respiratória

    Advances and perspectives of mechanomyography

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    INTRODUCTION: The evaluation of muscular tissue condition can be accomplished with mechanomyography (MMG), a technique that registers intramuscular mechanical waves produced during a fiber's contraction and stretching that are sensed or interfaced on the skin surface. OBJECTIVE: Considering the scope of MMG measurements and recent advances involving the technique, the goal of this paper is to discuss mechanomyography updates and discuss its applications and potential future applications. METHODS: Forty-three MMG studies were published between the years of 1987 and 2013. RESULTS: MMG sensors are developed with different technologies such as condenser microphones, accelerometers, laser-based instruments, etc. Experimental protocols that are described in scientific publications typically investigated the condition of the vastus lateralis muscle and used sensors built with accelerometers, third and fourth order Butterworth filters, 5-100Hz frequency bandpass, signal analysis using Root Mean Square (RMS) (temporal), Median Frequency (MDF) and Mean Power Frequency (MPF) (spectral) features, with epochs of 1 s. CONCLUSION: Mechanomyographic responses obtained in isometric contractions differ from those observed during dynamic contractions in both passive and functional electrical stimulation evoked movements. In the near future, MMG features applied to biofeedback closed-loop systems will help people with disabilities, such as spinal cord injury or limb amputation because they may improve both neural and myoelectric prosthetic control. Muscular tissue assessment is a new application area enabled by MMG; it can be useful in evaluating the muscular tonus in anesthetic blockade or in pathologies such as myotonic dystrophy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and disorders including dysphagia, myalgia and spastic hypertonia. New research becomes necessary to improve the efficiency of MMG systems and increase their application in rehabilitation, clinical and other health areas304384401CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFINANCIADORA DE ESTUDOS E PROJETOS - FINEPsem informaçã

    Ação do ultrassom modo contínuo no aumento do transporte de azul de metileno em ovos de codorna "Nothura maculosa": modelo experimental

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    A radiação ultrassônica é um recurso fisioterapêutico utilizado para acelerar a reorganização de um tecido que tenha sofrido algum tipo de dano. O propósito deste estudo foi verificar o comportamento da permeabilidade em ovos de codorna (Nothura maculosa) sob a aplicação do ultrassom (US) subaquático em solução de azul de metileno (AM). O estudo foi composto por 3 grupos: (A) controle com 2 ovos; (B) irradiado com US e, posteriormente, aberto para controle fotográfico e histográfico com 3 ovos; e (C), também com 3 ovos, irradiado com US e somente aberto após 24 horas. A passagem do AM obteve seu transporte potencializado, atingindo, assim, o objetivo proposto por este estudo. Os ovos que passaram pela irradiação de US tiveram picos de pixels maiores nas faixas que compreendem o azul, já o grupo controle teve seu pico nas faixas de pixels relacionadas próximas à cor preta. A placa VIII (grupo C), que foi irradiada por US e mantida no AM por 24 horas, teve seu pico na faixa 128 com 1728 pixels, sendo o  mais próximo da faixa de pico do  histograma do copo de AM (faixa número 187 com 2265 pixels). Conclui-se que o ovo de codorna banhado por AM apresenta uma coloração azulada, devido ao aumento da permeabilidade pela aplicação do US

    Neuromuscular fatigue detection by mechanomyography in people with complete spinal cord injury

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    Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a method of activating paralyzed muscles. During FES application, fast muscle fatigue can occur (the inability of stimulated muscles to generate force). Therefore, it is beneficial to estimate the muscle fatigue for FES closed-loop control for walking to prevent unexpected muscle collapse and adapt the FES strategy in real time. Mechanomyography (MMG) is a noninvasive technique for registering myofiber vibrations, representing an ideal candidate for the provision of feedback. The hypothesis was that MMG signals could effectively detect muscle fatigue and, thus, provide feedback

    Effects of low-intensity electrical stimulation and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on the time-domain analysis-based electromyographic signals in dogs with SCI

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    The application of low-intensity electrical stimulation (LIES) to neural tissue increases neurochemical factors responsible for regeneration as nerve growth factor. Stem cell (SC) therapy for patients with Spinal cord injury (SCI) promote some increase functional improvement.ObjectiveInvestigate the electromyographic response in paraplegic dogs undergoing LIES and SC transplantation.Methods27 dogs paraplegics with SCI were divided into three groups with different types of therapy. GADSC: two SC transplants (n = 9); GLIES: LIES (n = 8); GCOMB: two SC transplants and LIES (n = 10). Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) were transplanted by lumbar puncture in the amount of 1.2 × 106 cells/50 μL. Acupuncture needles positioned in the interspinous space were used for stimulation. The electrical stimulation was applied with a mean voltage ∼30 mV and four consecutive modulated frequencies (5 Hz, 10 Hz, 15 Hz and 20 Hz) within 5 min each. The patients motor performance was evaluated before (Pre) the procedure and after 30 (Post30) and 60 (Post60) days, from electromyography root mean square (EMGRMS) registered with subcutaneous electrodes in the vastus lateralis muscle, while the animals were in quadrupedal position.ResultsAll three groups showed a significant intra-group increase of EMGRMS (Pre vs. Post30 or Pre vs. Post60). However, there were no statistically significant differences between Post30 and Post60. The inter-group test (GADSC X GLIES X GCOMB) did not present significance when compared the instants Pre (p = 0.34), Post30 (p = 0.78) and Post60 (p = 0.64).ConclusionSome dogs recovered motor activity, expressed by the EMGRMS, in all groups, in pre vs. post (30 or 60 days) comparisons.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Krueger, E., Magri, L.M.S., Botelho, A.S., Bach, F.S., Rebellato, C.L.K., Fracaro, L., Fragoso, F.Y.I., Villanova, J.A., Brofman, P.R.S., Popović-Maneski, L., 2019. Effects of low-intensity electrical stimulation and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on the time-domain analysis-based electromyographic signals in dogs with SCI. Neuroscience Letters 696, 38–45. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2018.12.004]Published version: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_4595

    Action potential: from excitation to neural adaptation

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    INTRODUCTION: The action potential (AP) arises due to a disturbance of the resting state of the cell membrane with consequent flow of ions across the membrane and ion concentration changes in intra and extra cellular space. OBJECTIVES: This article aims to summarize the scientific knowledge accumulated to date on the action potential and neural adaptation in the process of applying a constant stimulus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a literature review on the bases Springer, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, Capes Periodicals Portal as well as books on the topic. The selected preferred language was English with the keywords: action potential; adaptation, accommodation; rheobase; chronaxy; nerve impulse. We conducted a search of articles with a wide time window from 1931 to 2010 and books from 1791 to 2007. RESULTS: In the selected studies was extracted information about the following topics: action potential and its stages; nerve conduction; rheobase; chronaxie, accommodation, and adaptation. CONCLUSION: A stimulus that creates AP, if applied consistently, can reduce the frequency of depolarization as a function of time and, consequently, to adapt the cell. The time it takes the cell in the absence of stimuli, to recover its original frequency, is defined as a disadaptation.INTRODUÇÃO: O potencial de ação (PA) origina-se graças a uma perturbação do estado de repouso da membrana celular, com consequente fluxo de íons, por meio da membrana e alteração da concentração iônica nos meios intra e extracelular. OBJETIVOS: Sintetizar o conhecimento científico acumulado até o presente sobre o potencial de ação neural e o seu processo de adaptação sob aplicação de um estímulo constante. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Busca realizada nas bases Springer, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Google Acadêmico, Portal de Periódicos da Capes, além de livros referentes ao assunto. O idioma de preferência selecionado foi o inglês, com as keywords: action potential; adaptation; accommodation; rheobase; chronaxy; nerve impulse. Efetuou-se a procura de artigos com uma janela de tempo de 1931 a 2010 e livros de 1791 a 2007. RESULTADOS: Dos trabalhos selecionados, foram extraídas informações a respeito dos seguintes tópicos: potencial de ação e suas fases; condução nervosa; reobase; cronaxia; acomodação; e adaptação neuronal. CONCLUSÃO: Um estímulo que crie PA, se aplicado de maneira constante, pode reduzir a frequência de despolarizações em função do tempo e, consequentemente, adaptar a célula. O tempo que a célula demora, na ausência de estímulos, para recuperar sua frequência original é definido como desadaptação.535547Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    Surface mechanography (MMG) is a non-invasive technique that captures signs of low-frequency vibrations of skeletal muscles through the skin. However, subcutaneous structures may interfere with the acquisition of MMG signals. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of skinfold thickness (ST) on the MMG wavelet-based signal in the rectus femoris muscle during maximal voluntary contraction in two groups of individuals: group I (n = 10, ST 20 mm). Negative correlation was observed between the 19 Hz, 28 Hz and 39 Hz frequency bands with ST. There was a statistical difference in almost all frequency bands, especially in the X and Y axes. All MMG axes in group II presented higher magnitudes in frequency bands 2 and 6 Hz (like low-pass filter). Thus, these results can be applied to calibrate MMG responses as biofeedback systems